Risks of Quitting Cold-Turkey

Substance abuse and addiction are among the biggest problems facing the healthcare system today. Therefore, if you are struggling to control alcohol use, drug use, or anything else, understand that you are not alone. You are a strong, independent person, and you would probably like to break free from the bonds of addiction on your…

What is Fentanyl?

When people talk about drug abuse, they are often talking about substances such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Unfortunately, a lot of people enter the world of drug abuse due to prescription medications. For example, some people might end up taking hydrocodone, oxycodone, Percocet, or Vicodin and could end up getting hooked on them. One…

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

If you feel like you were having difficulty quitting alcohol or drugs, you are not alone. The reality is that countless people across the country are all having trouble breaking free from the bonds of addiction. One of the reasons why is the development of something called post-acute withdrawal syndrome. The withdrawal symptoms stemming from…

How Family Support Can Help Recovery

During active addiction, many individuals struggle with relationships, their responsibilities, and their overall health. Sometimes families have torn apart because of the actions, inactions, emotions, and statements made during addiction. When you step into therapy, family support becomes important to long-term recovery. Moving from a difficult period of addiction towards healing requires the use of…